Journal of Asian Tourism Research
Aim and Scope
Journal of Asian Tourism Research (JATR) is conceived as an interdisciplinary journal focusing on research in tourism and allied areas, scoping ‘Asian Tourism Phenomena’. Tourism in Asia is shaping with the unusual and complex characteristics of Asian economy, demography, gender, destination, travel behavior, society, culture, environment and governance systems blending together in a completely novel and unique way that makes Asian tourism a different spectrum from the rest of the world. JATR specifically addresses research opportunities in all ‘Asian tourism contexts’ that shapes and reshapes the growth of Asia.
JATR acts as a platform for scholars to critically examine the context of Asian tourism development. All aspects that directly or indirectly influences tourism industry, society and environment in the Asian destinations as well as its source markets, the similarities and differences, approaches, challenges and opportunities are some of the major dialogue areas.
Indexing and Peer review
Journal Indexing
As a new initiative JATR is not indexed by any database. The appointed editorial board is highly efficient and competent to guide the journal to be indexed in SCOPUS and SSCI in the coming years. The journal is expected to be indexed in SCOPUS by the end of year 2022.
Peer Review Statement
JATR is an international peer reviewed journal which publishes original research articles, concept papers and short research communications that contributes to scientific knowledge in tourism.
Articles submitted to JATR will go through a peer review process administrated by the journal editorial board. The board sets a strict time line of reviewing and communicating the decision to authors to ensure that the papers are published as per the timeline set by the journal.
Online First
All accepted articles will be published online prior to being published in a specific volume and issue.
The first Issue of the journal was scheduled in April 2021.
Paper Submission
The journal is in the process of designing a website and Journal Management System. However, this is not a limitation to submitting the articles now. As a temporary solution, the journal will accept papers through Microsoft's Conference Management Toolkit platform.
Atna - Journal of Tourism Studies
Atna - Journal of Tourism Studies, seeks to facilitate critical study and in-depth reflection and analysis of issues, problems and concerns of human life, in order to further the directions and transformations human society needs to evolve into. It targets tourism and hospitality scientists, management scientists, social scientists, educational institutions, research centres, policy makers and any individual interested in and commited to human welfare.
ISSN: 0975-3281
Open Access: The journal follows an open access policy. All the issues are available online.
Peer review: Atna - Journal of Tourism Studies is a double blind peer-reviewed journal.
Letters to Editors: The email can be sent with the subject line clearly mentioning "Letter to the Editor
Aim and Scope
Atna Journal of Tourism Studies (AJTS) focuses predominantly to bestow a high-quality work on all the areas and interdisciplinary studies related to Tourism and Hospitality Management. The journal strikes an interdisciplinary approach that inspects business practices and state-of-the-art pertaining to the tourism and hospitality industry. It comprises primary research articles, book reviews, research notes, case studies to examine and reinforce the various scenarios evolving within the industry.
As a Scholarly Journal, AJTS is meticulous in producing standardized articles that have theoretical or methodological contributions to the tourism and hospitality industry. It is responsible for publishing articles that benefit the business and academic community. It nurtures and motivates research scholars to accord stupendous contributions to the industry.
AJTS aims to produce excellent articles that benefit tourism and hospitality management at the International, National, and Regional levels. Topics related to a Paradigm shift in the tourism and hospitality industry, Innovations, Solutions to the current issues, Sustainable practices, Responsible tourism measures, Hospitality Management, Tourism Marketing, Tourism Finance, Consumer behavior, Trends, Strategies to revive, revamp and rejuvenate the tourism and hospitality industry are encouraged.